Standing with the People of Palestine and Israel

We are very worried about the current aggression in the Middle East. And we are sadly disgusted with the violence. Stop and find a solution please.


End result of the communal effort to install the Arabic mural Al-Rihla by Bahia Shehab - Mediamatic and Framer Framed invited Lebanese—Egyptian street artist Bahia Shehab to create a brand new calligraphic graffiti wall at Mediamatic Biotoop. Bahia Shehab became a political activist during the Arabic Spring when she decided to transform her earlier research and exhibited art project about Arabic calligraphy into graffiti in the streets of Cairo. ‘Al—Rihla’ means ‘The Journey’, and depicts a poem by Mahmoud Darwish. Anisa Xhomaqi, Bahia Shehab

We at Mediamatic are peace loving and we would like to express our deepest sympathy for all of the victims of violence in the Middle East, whatever their culture.

There is a long unfolding tragedy involving loss of land, life and injury to huge numbers of ordinary civilians on both sides of the divide, in many cases in horrific circumstances.

We hope for peace in the Middle East and our hearts go out to all of innocent people and their wider families who have been so badly affected by what has happened.


Kosher / Halal T-Shirt - The shirt displays the word "Kosher" in Arabic script on one side and the word "Halal" in Hebrew script on the other. The shirt was made in 2 versions, one with Kosher on front and Halal on the back, and the other way around. It was designed by Willem Velthoven for the El Hema collection of 2007. Mar-Ina Uhrig

At Mediamatic, we have been working with the Jewish community as well as with artists from Palestine regularly over the past decennia. On this page you'll find a few examples that are dear to us. We hope the violence will end soon and work towards a worthy solution will commence.


05-05-2004 Digitaal Joods Monument - Mediamatic Lab bouwt en ontwerpt in 2003 en 2004 het   Joods Monument , een online community die de herinnering aan de Joodse slachtoffers van WOII in leven houdt. Het is de interactieve website van het Digitaal Monument. Dit beeld representeert de hele gemeenschap op de home page: rode pixels voor vrouwen, blauw voor mannen, groen en geel voor de kinderen. Elke pixel direct gelinkt naar een persoonspagina in de database. Digitaal Monument voor de Joodse Gemeenschap is een gedenkteken voor ruim…